Aims and Scope



"Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North. Bulletin of Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment of Syktyvkar State University" - this is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal included in the Higher attestation Commission (of the Ministry of education and science) list and published since 2005 by Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University four times a year, each issue of the journal is issued before the 20th of the month following the quarter.      

International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 2070-4992

The aim of the Bulletin is to publish original theoretical and practice-oriented research and other scientific materials concerning modern concepts and mechanisms of management and innovation development of the Northern economy.

The journal also strives to implement the following principles:

- formation of an open scientific debate atmosphere, contributing to the further improvement of the quality and effectiveness of scientific research, improvement of the expertise of scientific works;

- ensuring information transparency of the process and results of various research teams, scientific schools on the ecology problems, life quality and productive forces development of the North, this development contributes significantly to the development of the world economy;

- dissemination of scientific achievements in the field of economics and management of the world scientific community;

- the formation of a constant, sustained interest among the scientific and scientific-pedagogical community, as well as among young and novice scientists to the journal, its relevance in the professional circles of economists and managers of various regions of Russia, the world scientific community.

The Bulletin covers the following topics of the branches of economics and management:

  • Regional and sectoral economies:
    - Regional economy;
    - Industrial economy;
    - Economy of agroindustrial complex;
    - Economy of services;
    - Transport and Logistics;
    - Economy of Construction and Real Estate Operations;
    - Economy of Innovation;
    - Economy of Population and Labor Economics;
    - Economy of Natural Resources and Land Management;
    - Marketing;
    - Accounting, Auditing and Economic Statistics;
    - Standardization and Product Quality Management;
    - Economic Security.
  • Management;
  • Finance.