Issue №2, 2016




Ways of increasing economic growth

A. P. Shihverdiev, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

A. A. Vishnyakov, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

N. A. Oganezova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The article presents the stages of economic growth shows the formalization of the various concepts. Questions of comparison, reproduction and func-tional-macro-economic approaches to the study of economic growth, given the subjective assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of these approach-es. According to the Strategy of Economic and Social Development, presented 3napravleniya growth poli-cy (economic, social, environmental). In the case of the Republic of Komi proposed directions for the develop-ment of the economy of the region, covering the param-eters of economic growth.

Keywords: economic growth, economic develop-ment, economic growth policy, the model of harmoni-ous development, reproductive approach of functional macro-economic approach.


  1. Bolotov S. P., Vishnyakov A. A. , Shikhverdiyev P. A. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ i effektivnaya vlast’ [Economic security and effective power] // Obespecheniye vysokogo kachestva zhizni naseleniya na osnove ustoychivogo eko-nomicheskogo rosta : sbornik materialov nauchno — prakticheskoy konferentsii v ramkakh XII Mezhdunarodnogo severnogo sotsial’no — ekologicheskogo kongressa. — Syktyvkar : Izd-vo SGU im . Pitirima Sorokina , 2016. 186 p.
  2. Vishnyakov A. A. Effektivnost’ upravleniya venchurnym investirovaniyem : nekotoryye imperativy, paradig-my i prakticheskiye rekomendatsii [The effectiveness of management venture investment: some imperatives para-digms and practical recommendations] // Bulletin of the research center of corporate law, management and venture capital of Syktyvkar State University, 2013, no. 4, pp. 66—87 (In Russ.) Available at: URL: (accessed: 18.05.2016).
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  10. Shikhverdiyev A. P., Vishnyakov A. A. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoye partnerstvo kak infrastruktura aktivizatsii in-vestitsionnoy deyatel'nosti i innovatsionnogo razvitiya ekonomiki Severa (na primere Respubliki Komi). Syktyvkar: Izd .SyktGU , 2011.152 p.
  11. Shikhverdiyev A. P., Vishnyakov A. A. i dr. Venchurnoye investirovaniye kak faktor innovatsionnogo razvitiya Rossiyskogo Severa. Syktyvkar : Redaktsionno-izdatel'skiy otdel Syktyvkarskogo filiala ANO VPO TSS RF «RUK», 2007. 190 p.
  12. Shikhverdiyev A. P., Mikhal’chenkova N. A., Oganezova N. A., Tkachev S. A. Formirovaniye natsional’noy inno-vatsionnoy sistemy sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona [Formation of socio-economic development of the national innovation system] // Bulletin of the research center of corporate law, management and venture capital of Syktyvkar State University, 2015, no. 2, pp. 93—119 (In Russ.) Available at: URL: (accessed: 10.05.2016).
  13. Harrod R. F. An Essay in Dynamic Theory // Economic Journal. №49. P. 14—33.

For citation: Shihverdiev A. P., Vishnyakov A. A., Oganezova N. A. Ways of increasing economic growth // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 13—22.


Modernization-innovative scenario of russian economic development as a way out of the crisis

E.V.Borisova, Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia)

In the article the author argues the necessity of directions of development of the Russian economy on the basis of modernization and innovative development scenario. The author defines the state of the Russian economy, the causes of the current economic crisis. Examines the essential signs of modernization. Based on the analysis of statistical data proves the need to develop ways of overcoming the economic crisis through economic modernization, the paradigm shift in monetary policy. The conclusion is for-mulated about the necessity of development of sys-tem of strategic planning, implementation of the mixed policy of economic growth, to improve public policies for scientific and technological development of the country.

Keywords: modernization, innovation, economic crisis, investment, monetary policy, technological structure, disruptive technologies, strategy, economic development, strategic planning, public policy.


  1. Abramov A. V., Alehin M. Ju. Sovremennoe sostojanie innovacionnoj jekonomiki [Current status of the inno-vation economy] // Bulletin of the research center of corporate law, management and venture capital of Syktyvkar State University, 2014, no. 4, pp. 65—69 (In Russ.) Available at: http://vestnik-ku. ru/articles/2014/4/6.pdf (accessed: 04.2016).
  2. Borisova E. V. Innovacionnyj potencial rossijskoj jekonomiki kak faktor nacional’noj bezopasnosti [The inno-vative potential of the Russian economy as a factor of national security]// Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta kooperacii, 2015, no. 4(23), рр. 17—20.
  3. Borisova E. V. Rol’ gosudarstvennyh zakupok v formirovanii innovacionnoj jekonomiki Rossii [The role of public procurement in formation of innovative economy of Russia] // Innovacii. Investicii. 2015, no. 2, pp. 11—15.
  1. Glaz’ev S. Ju. O neotlozhnyh merah po ukrepleniju jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii i vyvodu rossijskoj jeko-nomiki na traektoriju operezhajushhego razvitija. Doklad.- Moscow, Institut jekonomicheskih strategij, Russkij biogra-ficheskij institut, 2015. 60 p.
  1. Issledovanie McKinsey & Company: Glavnaja problema rossijskoj jekonomiki — nizkaja proizvoditel’nost’ truda. [A study by McKinsey & Company: the Main problem of the Russian economy — low productivity.] Available at: (accessed: 03.02.2016).
  1. Kondrat’ev N. D., Oparin D. I. Bol’shie cikly kon#junktury: Doklady i ih obsuzhdenie v Institute jekonomiki. — Moscow, 1928. 287 р.
  2. Popov A. I. Sozdanie novoj modeli razvitija: modernizacija i uslovija perehoda k innovacionnoj jekonomike institutov [The creation of a new model of development: modernization and conditions of transition to innovative economy institutions] // Izvestija Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta jekonomiki i finansov, 2012, no. 4, pp. 18—26.
  1. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki. Available at: http: (accessed: 03.05.2016).
  2. Hantington S. Politicheskij porjadok v menjajushhihsja obshhestvah. Moscow, Progress-Tradicija, 2004. 480 p.
  3. Shihverdiev A. P., Mihal’chenkova N. A., Oganezova N. A., Tkachev S. A. Formirovanie nacional’noj innova-cionnoj sistemy social’no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regiona [The formation of the national innovation system of socio-economic development of the region] Bulletin of the research center of corporate law, management and venture capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2015, no.2, pp. 93—119 (In Russ.) Available at: (accessed: 25.04.2016).
  1. President Obama’s State of the Union Address. Available at: (accessed: 03.02.2016).

For citation: Borisova E. V. Modernization-innovative scenario of russian economic development as a way out of the crisis // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 23—29.




Non-traditional approach to safety mining enterprises on the level of employee’s motivation

A. O. Nedosekin, Saint-Petersburg Mining University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

E. I. Reishakhrit, Saint-Petersburg Mining University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

E. P. Ilyenko, Saint-Petersburg Mining University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

This article describe aspects of safety at the mining enterprises in the system linking the three components:

  1. The desire of employees to obtain higher wages due to the implementation and fulfillment of the production plan at the expense of compliance with occupation-al health and safety;
  2. The desire of owners to obtain greater profits at the minimum required investment in the safety;
  3. The motivation of employees to maintain health and life, in conditions of work at high risk, which include mining companies.

Motivating employees is considered in two-criteri-on the «productivity — safety» in connection with the effectiveness of investments in safety and examines the impact of these components on the strategy of development of the enterprise on the basis of the modified balanced scorecard that contains a number of uncertain factors, and soft links between them. A balanced score-card, which includes in addition to the conventional indicators, the criteria of motivation for productive work and demotivators introduced, subject to critical security and compliance requirements of workers labor protection and industrial safety. Examples of incremental mining incentive system for state personnel options «effective command», «to rebuild the team», «disloyal team.»

Keywords: fuzzy model, fuzzy set, linguistic variables, labour motivation, safety, mining industry.


  1. Abdulaeva Z. I., Nedosekin A. O. Strategicheskij analiz innovacionnyh riskov, Izdatel’stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo politehnicheskogo universiteta, SPb, 2013. 200 p.
  2. Abdulaeva Z. I. Razrabotka metodov upravlenija riskami innovacionnoj dejatel’nosti. Dis. kand. jekon. nauk:08.00.05, 2013.
  1. Nedosekin A. O., Abdulaeva Z. I., Shkatov M. Ju. Razrabotka sistemy sbalansirovannyh pokazatelej (SSP) dl-ja morskoj neftegazovoj smeshannoj kompanii (MNSK) s ispol’zovaniem nechjotko-mnozhestvennyh opisanij [Audit i fi-


nansovyj analiz] no. 3, pp. 126—134.


  1. Zade L. A. Lingvisticheskaja peremennaja, Moscow, Mir Publ., 1976. 167 p.


  1. O promyshlennoj bezopasnosti opasnyh proizvodstvennyh obektov. Federal’nyj zakon № 116 ot 21.07.1997


  1. Trudovoj Kodeks RF, № 197-FZ, st.192.


  1. Rene Moborn, Kim Chan. Strategija golubogo okeana. Publ.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013

For citation: Nedosekin A. O., Reishakhrit E. I., Ilyenko E. P. Non-traditional approach to safety mining en-terprises on the level of employee’s motivation // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 30—39.


Formation of socially-oriented regional policy in the sphere of housing and communal services (on the example of Pskov region)

E. S. Ivanov, Federal STATE budgetary educational institution IN St. Petersburg state economic University (branch in Pskov) (Pskov, Russia)

In the article the author proposed a systematic approach for generating alternatives for the development of housing and communal economy of the Pskov region. Comparative characterization of the costs of some utilities in the context of municipalities and urban settlements for 2014—2015 the monitoring of «the quality Of rendering housing and utility services in the city settlement» the author obtained the results on the effect of updating the regulatory framework as part of the development of housing sector of the Pskov region. Recommendations on formation of socially-oriented regional policy in the study area.

Keywords: socially oriented tariff policy in housing and communal services, housing-municipal reform, the differentiation of prices and tariffs subsidies for payment of housing and communal services, the quality of housing services.



  1. Atamanenko S. A., Kommunal'ny'e uslugi, ix kachestvo i pravila ix predostavleniya [Atamanenko S. A. Utilities,


their quality and the rules of their provision: proc. allowance]. Rostov n/d : Phoenix, 2010. 264 p.


  1. Buzy'rev V. V., Chekalin V. S. E'konomika zhilishhnoj sfery' : ucheb. posobie [Busarev V. V., Chekalin S. V.


Economics of housing : proc. allowance.] Moscow: YURAIT, 2001. With 271 .


  1. Dronov S. E., Astaxov K. V., Model' povy'sheniya e'ffektivnosti realizacii regional'noj politiki v sfere ZhKX posred-stvom razvitiya instituta narodnogo kontrolya [Model of increase of efficiency of implementation of regional policy in the housing sector through the development of the Institute of national control] Socio-economic phenomena and pro-

cesses, 2015, no. 3. pp. 19-25


Zhilishhny'j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.2004 N 188-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2014) [«Housing code of the Russian Federation»] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 2014.

  1. Koncepciya federal'noj celevoj programmy' «Kompleksnaya programma modernizacii i reformirovaniya zhil-ishhno-kommunal'nogo xozyajstva na 2010-2020 gody'«: utv. rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 02.02.2010 № 102-r [The concept of the Federal target program «Complex program of modernization and reforming of housing and com-munal services for 2010-2020»: approved. the decree of the RF Government dated 02.02.2010 № 102-R] Access from

system «Consultant Plus», 2010.


  1. Federal'ny'j zakon ot 29.12.2004 N 189-FZ (red. ot 21.07.2014) «O vvedenii v dejstvie Zhilishhnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.03.2015) [The Federal law from 29.12.2004 N 189-FZ (edition of 21.07.2014) «About introduction in action of the Housing code of the Russian Federation» (as amended. and EXT.,


Preface. effect from 01.03.2015)] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 2014.


  1. Federal'ny'j zakon ot 21.07.2014 N 255-FZ (red. ot 29.06.2015) «O vnesenii izmenenij v Zhilishhny'j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii, otdel'ny'e zakonodatel'ny'e akty' Rossijskoj Federacii i priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'ny'x polozhenij zakonodatel'ny'x aktov Rossijskoj Federacii» [Federal law of 21.07.2014 N 255-FZ (ed. from on 29.06.2015) «On amend-ments to the Housing code of the Russian Federation and separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invali-

dating certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation»] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 2015.


  1. Postanovlenie administracii Pskovskoj oblasti ot 02.07.1997 № 157 (red. ot 31.05.1999) «O dal'nejshem re-formirovanii zhilishhno-kommunal'nogo xozyajstva, oplaty' zhil'ya i kommunal'ny'x uslug i predostavlenii grazhdanam kompensacij (subsidij)» [Decree of the administration of the Pskov region from 02.07.1997 No. 157 (as amended on 05.1999) «On further reforming of housing and communal services, payment of housing and utility services and


provide the citizens of compensations (subsidies)»] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 1999.


  1. Postanovlenie Administracii Pskovskoj oblasti № 511 ot 16.12.2011 «O monitoringe kachestva predostavleni-ya gosudarstvenny'x uslug organami ispolnitel'noj vlasti Pskovskoj oblasti» [Decree of the Administration of Pskov re-gion № 511 dated 16.12.2011 «On the monitoring of quality of rendering state services by the Executive bodies of the

Pskov region»] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 2011.


  1. Oblastnoj zakon ot 07.05. 2014 g. № 1381-OZ «O nadelenii organov mestnogo samoupravleniya otdel'ny'mi gosudarstvenny'mi polnomochiyami v oblasti regulirovaniya tarifov na tovary' i uslugi kommunal'nogo kompleksa»


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regulation of tariffs for the goods and services of municipal complex»] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 2014.


  1. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 20.12.1997 N 1613 «O Programme demonopolizacii i razvitiya konkuren-cii na ry'nke zhilishhno-kommunal'ny'x uslug na 1998—1999 gody'« [The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.12.1997 N 1613 «About demonopolization and development of competition in the market of


housing and communal services in 1998—1999»] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 1997.


  1. Prikaz Gosstroya RF ot 11.12.1997 N 17-132 «Ob utverzhdenii normativno — metodicheskix materialov po realizacii Koncepcii reformy' zhilishhno-kommunal'nogo xozyajstva v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Order of Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated 11.12.1997 17-132 N «On approval of normative — methodological materials on imple-mentation of the Concept of reform of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation»] Access from sys-


tem «Consultant Plus», 1997.


  1. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federal'nomu Sobraniyu ot 04.12.2014 [Message from the President of the Russian


Federation to the Federal Assembly on 04.12.2014] Access from system «Consultant Plus», 2014.


  1. Pskovskaya oblast' v cifrax. 2014: Krat. stat. sb. (k 70-letiyu obrazovaniya Pskovskoj oblasti) [Pskov region in 2014: Times. stat. sat. (to the 70 anniversary of formation of Pskov oblast)] Psicostat -P., 2014. 149 p.

For citation: Ivanov E. S. Formation of socially-oriented regional policy in the sphere of housing and commu-nal services (on the example of Pskov region) // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 77—85.


Features of creation of innovative infrastructure in the northern regions of Russia

М. М. Стыров, Институт социально-экономических и энергетических проблем Севера Коми НЦ УрО РАН (Сыктывкар, Россия)

  1. M. Styrov, The Institute of Social, Economic and Power problems of the North, Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Syktyvkar, Russia)

Д. В. Колечков, Институт социально-экономических и энергетических проблем Севера Коми НЦ УрО РАН (Сыктывкар, Россия)

  1. V. Kolechkov, The Institute of Social, Economic and Power problems of the North, Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Syktyvkar, Russia)

Н. В. Шляхтина, Институт социально-экономических и энергетических проблем Севера Коми НЦ УрО РАН (Сыктывкар, Россия)

  1. V. Shljahtina, The Institute of Social, Economic and Power problems of the North, Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Syktyvkar, Russia)

In the article features of functioning of separate elements of innovative infrastructure in northern regions of Russia on the basis of conversations with representatives of business, science and authorities are considered. The classification of regions on nature of development of innovative infrastructure is carried out. Measures for improvement of innovative and investment system of regions are offered.

Keywords: inventors, innovations, infrastructure, processing industry, industrial enterprises, Russian Academy of Sciences, development, region, North.


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  1. Selin V. S., Cukerman V. A. Sovremennye osobennosti i tendencii innovacionnyh processov na Severe Rossii


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  1. Styrov M. M., Kolechkov D. V., Shljahtina N. V. Innovacionnoe razvitie pro-myshlennosti Respubliki Komi: stimuly i prepjatstvija [Innovative development of the industry of the Komi Republic: incentives and obstacles]. Korporativnoe upravlenie i innovacionnoe razvitie jekonomiki Severa: Vestnik Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo centra korporativnogo pra-va, upravlenija i venchurnogo investirovanija Syktyvkarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta — Corporate management and innovative development of economy of the North: Bulletin of the Research center of corporate law, management and venture investment of Syktyvkar state university, 2015, no. 2. pp. 120—138. (In Russ.) Available at: http://vest- (accessed 16.03.2016)


  1. Tribushnaja V. H. Innovacionnaja infrastruktura kak neobhodimost' podderzhki naukojomkogo predprinimatel'stva [Innovative infrastructure as need of support of the knowledge-intensive business]. Izhevsk: IGTU

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  1. Cukerman V. A. Problemy i perspektivy perehoda ot syr'evoj k innovacionnoj jekonomike Severa [Problems and prospects of transition from raw to innovative economy of the North]. Jekonomicheskie i social'nye peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz — Economic and social changes: facts, tendencies, forecast, 2008, no. 2. pp. 21—37.
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nical magazine), 2009, no.6. pp. 149—154.


  1. Shihverdiev A. P., Vishnjakov A. A. Innovacionnaja dejatel'nost' — glavnoe uslovie ustojchivogo razvitija jeko-nomiki Rossijskogo Severa (na primere Respubliki Komi) [Innovative activity — the main condition of a sustainable de-velopment of economy of the Russian North (on the example of the Komi Republic)]. Korporativnoe upravlenie i in-novacionnoe razvitie jekonomiki Severa: Vestnik Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo centra korporativnogo prava, upravlenija i venchurnogo investirovanija SyktGU — Corporate management and innovative development of economy of the North: Bulletin of the Research center of corporate law, management and venture investment of Syktyvkar state university, 2006, no. 4. (In Russ.) Available at: (accessed 23.03.2016).


For citation: Styrov M. M., Kolechkov D. V., Shljahtina N. V. Features of creation of innovative infrastructure in the northern regions of Russia // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 86—98.



Approbation of methodology an assessment of productivity the industrial and raw potential of North and the Central region of Russia

Е. И. Еремеев, Сыктывкарский государственный университет      им. Питирима Сорокина (Сыктывкар, Россия)

  1. I. Eremeyev, Federal State Budget Educational University named after Pitirim Sorokin» Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State (Syktyvkar, Russia)

С. П. Болотов, Сыктывкарский государственный университет      им. Питирима Сорокина (Сыктывкар, Россия)                                                                     

  1. P. Bolotov, Federal State Budget Educational University named after Pitirim Sorokin» Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State (Syktyvkar, Russia)

Н. А. Михальченкова, Сыктывкарский государственный университет им. Питирима Сорокина (Сыктывкар, Россия)                                                                     

  1. A. Mihalchenkova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The aim of the study was to analyze the results of testing methodology for assessing the industrial and raw material potential of the North and Central region of Russia, in the course of the study identified the need for further development of theoretical and methodological aspects of the assessment of the impact of industrial and raw potential. According to a study carried out testing methodology for assessing the impact of regional economic structures in the socio-economic development of the northern and central region of Russia. The solution will enable the study of the problem justify new scientific knowledge about the effective management of the processes of formation of industrial and raw potential.

Keywords: industrial agglomeration and raw material, development, potential, impact assessment, socio-economic development, economic education


  1. Bolshakov N. M., Eremeeva L. E. [Problems of formation of transport and logistics system of the Western Arctic region of Russia] Problemy formirovanija transportno-logisticheskoj sistemy zapadnogo arkticheskogo regio-na Rossii [Administrative aspects of the development of the northern territories of Russia Materials of the Scientific Conference (with international participation), Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management], 2015, pp. 34—38.
  2. Bolshakov N. M., Eremeeva L. E. Transportnye potoki kak faktor razvitija regional’noj seti kommunikacij [Traffic flows as a factor in the development of a regional network of communications] // Science and Transportation Equipment, 2015, no. 3, pp. 31—35.
  3. Eremeyev E. I. Metodologicheskie polozhenija po razvitiju promyshlenno-syr’evyh aglomeracij [Methodological Guidelines for the development of industrial raw agglomerations] // Bulletin of the Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management. Series: Theory and Practice of Management, 2015, no. 14 (19),



  1. Eremeyev E. I Sistema social’no-jekonomicheskih otnoshenij regionov Severa [The system of social and eco-nomic relations between the regions of the North] [Actual problems of modern science. Collection of Scientific Papers:

Materials International (correspondence) scientific conference. Edited by AI Vostretsov], 2015, pp.195—198.

  1. Eremeyev E. I. Sovershenstvovanie processov upravlenija promyshlennym potencialom territorii respubliki Komi


[Improving industrial capacity management processes Komi republic]. [Administrative aspects of the development of the northern territories of Russia Materials of the Scientific Conference (with international participation) Komi


Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management, 2015, pp. 235—239.

  1. Eremeyev E. I Strategija razvitija i planirovanija organizacionnyh struktur i proizvodstvennyh processov


[Strategy development and planning of organizational structures and processes] // Education and science of the cur-

rent state and development prospects: collection of scientific papers on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Tambov, 2015, pp. 84—86.

  1. Eremeyev E. I. Jekonomicheskoe razvitie promyshlennogo potenciala Severa [The economic development of the North’s industrial potential] Modern trends in science and industry collection of materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference West-Siberian Research Center. Kuzbass State Technical University named after

TF Gorbachev, 2016. pp. 244—245.

  1. Eremeev E. I., Shihverdiev A. P., Mihalchenkova N. A., Bolotov S. P. Funkcionirovanie organizacionno-jekonomi-cheskogo mehanizma v uslovijah institucional’nyh preobrazovanij jekonomicheskih sistem Severa s uchetom tendencij globalizacii jekonomicheskih processov v otrasljah promyshlennosti [Functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism in the conditions of institutional transformations of economic systems of the North taking into account tendencies of globalization of economic processes in industries] — Syktyvkar: Syktyvkar St. Univ. , 2016. 181 p.
  2. Eremeyev E. I., Shihverdiev A. P., Shelomentsev A. G, Belyaev V. N. [Methodology of the industrial raw ag-glomerations in the Northern regions].Korporativnoe upravlenie i innovacionnoe razvitie jеkonomiki Severa: Vestnik Nauchno-issledovatel’skogo centra korporativnogo prava, upravlenija i venchurnogo investirovanija Syktyvkarskogo gos-udarstvennogo universiteta, 2014, no.3, pp.120—141(In Russ.) Available at: (accessed: 01.05.2016).
  1. Eremeeva L. E. Vlijanie transportnyh potokov v infrastrukturnyh preobrazovanijah transportnoj seti Respubliki Komi v paradigme social’no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regiona [The impact of traffic infrastructure in the transfor-mation of the transport network of the Republic of Komi in the paradigm of social and economic development of the region] //Actual problems, directions and mechanisms of development of the productive forces of the North 2014 Proceedings of the Fourth All-Russian Scientific Seminar: Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, 2014, pp. 226—235.
  1. Eremeeva L. E. Problemy razvitija transportno-logisticheskoj infrastruktury Respubliki Komi [Problems of de-velopment of the Komi Republic transport and logistics infrastructure] Polytransport Materials of the VIII International Scientific Conference in the framework of science, Russia — EU, Novosibirsk, 2015, pp. 402—406.
  1. O Sheme razmeshhenija i razvitija proizvoditel’nyh sil v Respublike Komi na period do 2020 goda (vmeste so «Svodnym perechnem investicionnyh proektov Respubliki Komi Shemy razmeshhenija i razvitija proizvoditel’nyh sil v Respublike Komi na period do 2020 goda, №39-p [Scheme of location and development of the productive forces in the Republic of Komi for the period until 2020 together with the «consolidated list of investment projects of the Republic of Komi and the layout of the development of the productive forces in the Komi Republic for the period till 2020»no 39-p], Moscow, 2008.
  1. Postanovlenie KM RT «Ob utverzhdenii Programmy razvitija i razmeshhenija proizvoditel'nyh sil Respubliki Tatarstan na osnove klasternogo podhoda do 2020 goda i na period do 2030 goda ot 22.10.2008, N 763 [Resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Tatarstan On Approval of the Development Program and the distribution of the pro-ductive forces of the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of cluster approach to 2020 and for the period till 2030 from 22.10.2008 no 763], Moscow, 2008 (accessed: 10.05.2016).
  1. [Spatial development paradigm poorly studied areas: experience, problems and solutions]. Prostranstvennaja paradigma osvoenija maloizuchennyh territorij: opyt, problemy, reshenija [A. I. Tatarkin, Part. 2, Ekaterinburg, Institute of Economics UB RAS], 2009, 460 p.

For citation: Eremeyev E. I., Bolotov S. P., Mihalchenkova N. A. Approbation of methodology an assessment of productivity the industrial and raw potential of north and the central region of Russia // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 99—113.


Assessment of overall performance agglomeration in socio-economic development the industrial and raw material potential of North and the Central region of Russia

S. P. Bolotov, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

N. A. Mihalchenkova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

E. I. Eremeyev, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The aim of the study was to evaluate the overall performance of agglomerations (PSA) in the socio-economic development of the industrial and raw material potential of the North and Central region of Russia. The solution will enable the study of the problem justify new scientific knowledge on the evaluation of the effectiveness of management processes of formation of industrial and raw potential. According to a study car-ried out testing methodology for assessing the overall performance of agglomerations (PSA) in the socio-eco-nomic development of the industrial and raw material potential of the North and Central region of Russia.

Keywords: industrial agglomeration and raw material, development, potential, impact assessment, socioeconomic development, economic education


  1. Bolshakov N. M., Eremeeva L. E. [Problems of formation of transport and logistics system of the Western Arctic region of Russia] Problemy formirovanija transportno-logisticheskoj sistemy zapadnogo arkticheskogo regio-na Rossii [Administrative aspects of the development of the northern territories of Russia Materials of the Scientific Conference (with international participation), Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management], 2015, pp. 34—38.
  2. Bolshakov N. M., Eremeeva L. E. Transportnye potoki kak faktor razvitija regional’noj seti kommunikacij [Traffic flows as a factor in the development of a regional network of communications] // Science and Transportation Equipment, 2015, no. 3, pp. 31—35.
  3. Eremeyev E. I. Metodologicheskie polozhenija po razvitiju promyshlenno-syr’evyh aglomeracij [Methodo­ logical Guidelines for the development of industrial raw agglomerations] // Bulletin of the Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management. Series: Theory and Practice of Management, 2015, no. 14 (19), pp. 47—51.
  4. Eremeyev E. I Sistema social’no-jekonomicheskih otnoshenij regionov Severa [The system of social and eco-nomic relations between the regions of the North] [Actual problems of modern science. Collection of Scientific Papers:Materials International (correspondence) scientific conference. Edited by AI Vostretsov], 2015, pp.195—198.
  1. Eremeyev E. I. Sovershenstvovanie processov upravlenija promyshlennym potencialom territorii respubliki Komi [Improving industrial capacity management processes Komi republic]. [Administrative aspects of the devel-opment of the northern territories of Russia Materials of the Scientific Conference (with international participation) Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management, 2015, pp. 235—239.
  2. Eremeyev E. I Strategija razvitija i planirovanija organizacionnyh struktur i proizvodstvennyh processov[Strategy development and planning of organizational structures and processes] // Education and science of the cur-rent state and development prospects: collection of scientific papers on the materials of the International scientificand practical conference, Tambov, 2015, pp. 84—86.
  1. Eremeyev E. I. Jekonomicheskoe razvitie promyshlennogo potenciala Severa [The economic development of the North's industrial potential] Modern trends in science and industry collection of materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference West-Siberian Research Center. Kuzbass State Technical University named after TFGorbachev, 2016. pp. 244—245.
  1. Eremeev E. I., Shihverdiev A. P., Mihalchenkova N. A., Bolotov S. P. Funkcionirovanie organizacionno-jekonomi-cheskogo mehanizma v uslovijah institucional’nyh preobrazovanij jekonomicheskih sistem Severa s uchetom tendencij globalizacii jekonomicheskih processov v otrasljah promyshlennosti [Functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism in the conditions of institutional transformations of economic systems of the North taking into account tendencies of globalization of economic processes in industries] — Syktyvkar: Syktyvkar St. Univ. , 2016. 181 p.
  2. Eremeyev E. I., Shihverdiev A. P., Shelomentsev A. G, Belyaev V. N. [Methodology of the industrial raw ag-glomerations in the Northern regions].Korporativnoe upravlenie i innovacionnoe razvitie jеkonomiki Severa: Vestnik Nauchno-issledovatel’skogo centra korporativnogo prava, upravlenija i venchurnogo investirovanija Syktyvkarskogo gos-udarstvennogo universiteta, 2014, no.3, pp.120- 141(In Russ.) Available at: (accessed: 01.05.2016).
  1. Eremeeva L. E. Vlijanie transportnyh potokov v infrastrukturnyh preobrazovanijah transportnoj seti Respubliki Komi v paradigme social’no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regiona [The impact of traffic infrastructure in the transfor-mation of the transport network of the Republic of Komi in the paradigm of social and economic development of the region] //Actual problems, directions and mechanisms of development of the productive forces of the North 2014 Proceedings of the Fourth All-Russian Scientific Seminar: Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, 2014, pp. 226—235.
  2. Eremeeva L. E. Problemy razvitija transportno-logisticheskoj infrastruktury Respubliki Komi [Problems of de-velopment of the Komi Republic transport and logistics infrastructure] Polytransport Materials of the VIII InternationalScientific Conference in the framework of science, Russia — EU, Novosibirsk, 2015, pp. 402—406.
  1. O Sheme razmeshhenija i razvitija proizvoditel'nyh sil v Respublike Komi na period do 2020 goda (vmeste so «Svodnym perechnem investicionnyh proektov Respubliki Komi Shemy razmeshhenija i razvitija proizvoditel'nyh sil v Respublike Komi na period do 2020 goda, №39-p [Scheme of location and development of the productive forces in the Republic of Komi for the period until 2020 together with the «consolidated list of investment projects of the Republic of Komi and the layout of the development of the productive forces in the Komi Republic for the period till 2020»no 39-p], Moscow, 2008.
  2. [Spatial development paradigm poorly studied areas: experience, problems and solutions].Prostranstvennaja paradigma osvoenija maloizuchennyh territorij: opyt, problemy, reshenija [A. I. Tatarkin, Part. 2, Ekaterinburg, Institute of Economics UB RAS], 2009, 460 p.
  1. Postanovlenie KM RT «Ob utverzhdenii Programmy razvitija i razmeshhenija proizvoditel’nyh sil Respubliki Tatarstan na osnove klasternogo podhoda do 2020 goda i na period do 2030 goda ot 22.10.2008, N 763 [Resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Tatarstan On Approval of the Development Program and the distribution of the pro-ductive forces of the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of cluster approach to 2020 and for the period till 2030 from 22.10.2008 no 763], Moscow, 2008 (accessed: 10.05.2016).

For citation: Bolotov S. P., Mihalchenkova N. A., Eremeyev E. I. Assessment of overall performance agglomeration in socio-economic development the industrial and raw material potential of north and the central region of Russia // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 114—123.




Environmentalists’ concern as managerial issue: example of Arctic oil drilling

S. V. Villo, Graduate School of Management, Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

The article discusses the burning managerial is-sue — public environmental organizations’ concern. A situation of public environmental organizations’ concern in connection with the development of Arctic oil field Prirazlomnoe by Gazprom group of companies forms the empirical basis of the study. The author analyzed the available secondary data, conducted in-depth semi-structured and unstructured interviews with respondents from public environmental organizations and Gazprom Group of companies. The results of empirical research revealed the dynamics of public environ-mental organizations’ concern and the causes of public environmental organizations’ concern. These results provide an explanation for increasing environmentalists’ counter-actions towards a company, the activities of which involve environmental risks. The author pro-posed necessary measures for the management of public environmental organizations’ concern and indicated the areas for further research.

Keywords: public environmental organizations, environmental safety, Gazprom, public environmental organizations’ concern, stages of public environmental organizations concern, environmentalists’ opposition.


  1. Kostyleva N. V., Mikisheva V. I. Sushchestvuyushchie trebovaniya i podhody k organizacii prirodopol'zovaniya i ohrany okruzhayushchej sredy na predpriyatii, mery po ih uluchsheniyu [Existing requirements and approaches to envi-ronmental management and environmental protection in the enterprise]. Geograficheskij vestnik, 2009, no. 1, pp. 1—10.
  2. Matveeva E. V. Neoficial'naya storona deyatel'nosti nepravitel'stvennyh ehkologicheskih organizacij [The infor-mal side of non-governmental environmental organizations]. Vestnik povolzhskogo instituta upravleniya, 2011, no. 1, pp. 82—87.
  3. Flyvbjerg B. Five Misunderstandings about Case-Study Research. Sociologhicheskye Issledovanya, 2005, no. 4, pp. 110—120.
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  5. Clarkson M. E. A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academy of management review, 1995, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 92—117.
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  7. Grolin J. Corporate Legitimacy in Risk Society: The Case of Brent Spar. Business Strategy and the Environment, 1998, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 213—222.
  8. Hart S. L., Sharma S. Engaging Fringe Stakeholders for Competitive Imagination. Academy of Management Executive, 2004, vol. 18, no 1, pp. 7—18.
  9. Livesey S., Graham J. Greening of corporations? Eco-talk and the emerging social imaginary of sustainable de-velopment. In May S. K., Cheney G., Roper J. (ed.). The debate over corporate social responsibility. Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 336—50.
  10. Vachani S., Doh J. P., Teegen H. NGOs’ influence on MNEs’ Social Development Strategies in Varying Institutional Contexts: A Transaction Cost Perspective International Business Review, 2009, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 446—456.

For citation: Villo S. Environmentalists’ concern as managerial issue: example of Arctic oil drilling // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 124—130.




Global value chain analysis and network approach as the basis for building effective business-models

O. U. Yuldasheva, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

I. N. Trefilova, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

The authors develop the modern concept and methodology of business modeling by incorporating the theory and methodology for the analysis of global value chains and network approach. The article discusses the history of the approach to the global value chain analysis with the release of four major areas: management, geography, economic sociology and Economics. Also, the authors suggest using a net-work approach and value network analysis, borrowed from sociology and industrial marketing. As a result, the authors propose an updated methodological basis of business modeling, the result of which may be the formation at the micro-level is an effective business mod-el, at the mesolevel — the strategic network and busi-ness ecosystem, at the macro level — the optimal industrial policy.

Keywords: global value chain, value network, the theory of industrial organization, the network approach, business ecosystem, strategic network.


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For citation: Yuldasheva O. U., Trefilova I. N. Global value chain analysis and network approach as the basis for building effective business-models // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 131—148.

The adaptation prerequisites and factors of the federationsubject’s state programs

D. Yu. Nozenko, The Ministry of economy of Sverdlovsk region (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

The relevance of the studyis caused by the modern stage nature of program approach development in the public administration practice. The author reveals the adaptation essence of a new tool for strategic planning — state programs. According to the author, the introduction of new governance tools should take into account three kinds of preconditions: macroeconomic, institutional and regional. The implementation of administrative and budget reforms, and the strategic planning system transformation are the institutional prerequisites of Russian Federation regions government programs adaptation. The present stages of program approach development is characterized in the context of administrative and budgetary reform processes. The relevant factors of adaptation Federation subjects’ state programs are allocated within each group of selected prerequisites. So, the national currency, economic sanc-tions, the transition to the import substitution policy, migration processes and the outflow of capital have the greatest impact on the adaption to the changing mac-roeconomic conditions. Adaptation factors associated with specific conditions of a particular region development, are divided into groups such as: geopolitical, in-stitutional, economic, social, national-cultural, climatic. Prerequisites and factors accounting allows to increase the effectiveness of the new state instrument implemen-tation in the Russian regions.

Keywords: program approach, new public management, administrative and budgetary reform, strategic planning, Russian regions.


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Social capital in the management of cities development

D. G. Gorin, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

The article reviews some special aspects of social capital and its reproduction in Russian cities. For purpose to identify the social capital accumulation analyzed the factors contributing to its growth and embezzlement. An increased focus is put on the potential conversion of cultural capital into social capital and the social capital accumulation in the interactive network. The author comes to the conclu-sion about the conditions of the use of social capital in the of city development management.

Keywords: social capital, cultural capital, crowd-sourcing, network, development.


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For citation: Gorin D. G. Social capital in the management of cities development // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2016. № 2. Р. 156—163.




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