Issue №4, 2018





Program-target budgeting as a tool for improving efficiency of public sector management

N.V. Chepurnykh, Yugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia)

A.S. Fugaeva, Yugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia)

The article is devoted to the one of the acute problems of Russian economy – improving the public sector efficiency. It discusses development of program-target planning and management in the budget process. Also it offers the technological scheme of the state programs development, their importance assessment and an optimal set of the programs formation, proceeding from the purposes of the government. The material of the article can be used by public authorities in state programs creating process.

Keywords: public sector management effectiveness, targeted programs, development stages, program priority, set of programs effectiveness.


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For citation: Chepurnykh N. V., Fugaeva A. S. Program-target budgeting as a tool for improving efficiency of public sector management // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.



The possibility of renewable energy sources use for energy supply in the Arctic

Y.A. Nazarova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

V.A. Syrovetskiy, Russian State University for Geological Prospecting (Moscow, Russia)

The article deals with the problem of energy supply of the Arctic zone. The authors identify the main problems in the energy sector of the Russian Arctic zone: the high cost of electricity due to the distance from the centralized power supply system, assets deterioration and dependence on imported fuel. Despite the proximity to oil and gas fields, the expediency of the development of renewable energy sources (RES) is noted, which is connected, on the one hand, with the problem of sustainable development of the Arctic zone and environmental safety, and on the other hand, with the need to create a balanced energy system. Two variants of energy supply of the Arctic zone with the use of innovative technologies are proposed. The first option involves the use of a wind-diesel installation with a storage system. The second option is a wind power plant with a system of accumulation and use of energy in the form of hydrogen bound into a liquid organic carrier. The authors assess the economic feasibility of the two options of energy supply, calculated tariffs to ensure a given yield of the investor, which are compared with the current cost of electricity in some settlements of the Arctic zone of Russia. It is revealed that the use of innovative technologies can be economically feasible, but requires a technical and economic analysis of the proposed options. The estimation of total undiscounted costs may not be sufficient for correct conclusions due to the long planning horizon. The calculations carried out in this study can serve as an economic guide in the selection of innovative options for energy supply of the Arctic zones of Russia in order to optimize electricity tariffs.

Keywords: renewable energy, wind turbine, hydrogen power engineering, diesel generation, Arctic zone of Russia.


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For citation: Nazarova Y. A., Syrovetskiy V. A. The possibility of renewable energy sources use for energy supply in the Arctic // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.



The rating approach to assessing the dividend policy effectiveness of Russian public companies

E. A. Badokina, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

O. I. Maksimenko, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University» (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The article is devoted to the actual topic of financial management — assessment of the effectiveness of dividend policy of domestic public companies. The article reflects the key aspects of assessing the effectiveness of dividend policy, justifies the feasibility of applying a rating approach to the assessment, taking into account the industry factor. The calculation and analysis of the aggregate performance indicators of the blue chip dividend policy was made. Calculated values of the coefficients, taking into account the closeness of the relationship between the share price and the size of the dividend, depending on the industry sector of the company. Based on the obtained values of dividend yield ratios, dividend yield, P/E, dividend size per share, and sectoral bond ratios of stock price and dividend payout, the authors formed a matrix rating model of individual blue chip performance indicators; the impact on the rating of the sectoral coefficient values was given. As a result of the application of the rating approach in evaluating the effectiveness of dividend policy, an objective picture of the investment attractiveness of companies for investors and the growth potential of the company's market capitalization was formed.

Keywords: Russian stock market, investment decisions, dividend decisions, investment attractiveness, growth potential of market capitalization.



Determining the significance of regulatory types for improving energy efficiency in the northern regions

S.L. Sadov, Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian academy of sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The article deals with the problem modeling of the significance of control impacts on the energy efficiency in the North, and finding their optimal ratio. As a tool for solving this problem an Analytic Hierarchy Process by Thomas L. Saaty is selected. In accordance with it, a 3-level hierarchy, linking energy efficiency with control actions through 6 factors, was built. All matrices of priority are filled with estimates of pairwise comparisons obtained by an expert. The calculations showed that market mechanisms allow realizing the potential for energy efficiency increasing only by 24%. The rest is achievable under the influence of economic regulation (46%) and administrative regulation measures (30%). This result demonstrates the importance of developing and improving regulatory mechanisms for energy efficiency increasing.

Keywords: energy efficiency increasing, the northern regions, the significance of control impacts, the optimal ratio, Analytic Hierarchy Process.


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For citation: Sadov S. L. Determining the significance of regulatory types for improving energy efficiency in the northern regions // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.



Migration policy in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: features and directions of improvement

A.G. Shelomentsev, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

L.V. Voronina, N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research (Arkhangelsk, Russia)

E.V. Smirennikova, N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research (Arkhangelsk, Russia)

A.V. Ukhanova, N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research (Arkhangelsk, Russia)

The purpose of this study was to develop ways to improve state regulation of migration flows in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. During the work, the authors identified and analyzed the main stages of the implementation of the migration policy of the northern and arctic territories in the XX-XXI centuries. A content analysis of strategic planning documents (strategies and government programs) was conducted on the subject of the main objectives, mechanisms and instruments of state policy in the field of migration regulation in the Arctic regions of the country. As a result of the analysis of statistical information and strategic planning documents, the authors concluded that the state policy in the field of migration in the Russian Arctic is not effective. To solve the identified problems, the team of authors proposes the development of special state program, the purpose of which should be to consolidate the population in the territories of the Russian Arctic and attract new labor resources in accordance with the needs of the national economic complex, as well as programs at the regional level to regulate migration of the population.

Keywords: arctic regions, migration, state policy, mechanisms and tools, features.


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  22. Strategiya social'no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya Respubliki Kareliya na period do 2020 goda: postanovlenie Zakonodatel'nogo Sobraniya Respubliki Kareliya ot 24 iyunya 2010 goda № 1755- IVZS [Strategy of social and economic development of the Republic of Karelia for the period up to 2020]. Available at: (accessed: 10.08.2018).
  23. Strategiya social'no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya Respubliki Komi na period do 2020 goda: postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Komi ot 27 marta 2006 g. № 45 [Strategy of social and economic development of the Komi Republic for the period up to 2020]. Available at: (accessed: 12.08.2018).
  24. Strategiya social'no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya Chukotskogo avtonomnogo okruga do 2030 goda: rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Chukotskogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 16 iyulya 2014 g. № 290 – rp [Strategy of social and economic development of the Chukotka Autonomous Region until 2030]. Available at: (accessed: 10.08.2018).
  25. Strategiya social'no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya YAmalo-Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga do 2020 goda: postanovlenie Zakonodatel'skogo sobraniya YAmalo-Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga ot 14 dekabrya 2011 g. № 839 [The strategy of socio-economic development of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District until 2020]. Available at: (accessed: 12.08.2018).
  26. Fauzer V.V. Faktory migracii naseleniya severnyh regionov [Factors of migration of the population of the northern regions]. Ekonomicheskie i social'nye peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz. 2010. No. 3 (11). Pp.138-144.

For citation: Shelomentsev A. G., Voronina L. V., Smirennikova E. V., Ukhanova A. V. Migration policy in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: features and directions of improvement // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.



Migration factor of socio-economic development of Vorkuta urban district as a supporting zone of the Russian Arctic

V.V. Fauzer, Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian academy of sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia)

T.S. Lytkina, Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian academy of sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia)

A.V. Smirnov, Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian academy of sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia)

G.N. Fauzer, Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian academy of sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The article presents the administrative-territorial structure of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation by municipalities and urban districts; assessment of natural resource potential; dynamics of the total resident population, including the urban population. The text contains a grouping of Arctic cities by population and average population size, shows the distribution of urban population by number of inhabitants, special attention is paid to large cities with a population of over 100 thousand people; shows that the majority of urban residents of the Arctic live in cities with a population of over 50 thousand people; the history of the population formation in the Vorkuta urban district, which in 2014 became an integral part of the land areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The dynamics of population of Vorkuta and its urban-type settlements from 1959 to 2018 is presented. The article analyzes population reproduction since 1970, highlighting two components of the total population growth since 1991. Considerable attention is paid to migration processes in the modern historical period. For the first time, information on population migration in the Vorkuta urban district in the context of urban-type settlements is entered into the scientific circulation. Migration flows are considered in the following areas: internal, external and international migration, taking into account the gender and educational characteristics of migrants, the causes of territorial mobility.

Keywords: Arctic, Vorkuta, population of towns, reproduction and migration of the population.


  1. Burcev I.N., Dmitrieva T.E. Syr'evaya baza mineral'nogo stroitel'nogo syr'ya Vorkutinskoj opornoj zony Arktiki [Raw Material Base of Mineral Construction Raw Materials of the Vorkuta Supporting Zone of the Arctic] // Aktual'nye problemy, napravleniya i mekhanizmy razvitiya proizvoditel'nyh sil Severa – 2018 [Actual Problems, Directions and Development Mechanisms of the Productive Forces of the North – 2018]: Sbornik statej SHestoj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) (19-21 sentyabrya 2018 g., g. Syktyvkar): v 3 ch. Syktyvkar: OOO «Komi respublikanskaya tipografiya», 2018. Pt. II. pp. 18-23.
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  4. Kuznecov S.K., Burcev I.N. Mineral'no-syr'evye resursy v rajone zheleznoj dorogi Vorkuta – Ust'-Kara – Amderma [Mineral Resources in the area of the Vorkuta – Ust-Kara – Amderma Railway] // Aktual'nye problemy, napravleniya i mekhanizmy razvitiya proizvoditel'nyh sil Severa – 2018 [Actual Problems, Directions and Development Mechanisms of the Productive Forces of the North – 2018]: Sbornik statej SHestoj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) (19-21 sentyabrya 2018 g., g. Syktyvkar): v 3 ch. Syktyvkar: OOO «Komi respublikanskaya tipografiya», 2018. II. pp. 32-36.
  5. Leksin V., Porfir'ev B. Novoe obustrojstvo Arktiki: vyzov i social'no-ehkonomicheskij resurs budushchego Rossii [New Development of the Arctic Area: A Challenge and Socioeconomic Resource for Russia’s Future] // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya [Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Management]. No. 6. pp. 54-60.
  6. Lytkina T.S., Fauzer V.V. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie prinuditel'noy migratsiey kak sposob osvoeniya Severa Rossii v 1930-1950-e gg. [Governance of forced migration as a way of development of the Russian North in the 1930-1950-ies] // Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial'noy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology]. Т. XIX. No. 1 (84). pp. 90-109.
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  9. O sukhoputnykh territoriyakh Arkticheskoy zony Rossiyskoy Federatsii [About overland territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 02.05.2014 № 296. Available at: (accessed: 09.11.2018).
  10. O suhoputnyh territoriyah Arkticheskoy zony Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 2 maya 2014 g. № 296 (red. ot 27.06.2017 g.) [On the land territory of the Russian Arctic: The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.05.2014 №296 (ed. of 27.06.2017)]. Access from sprav.-the legal system «Konsul'tantPlyus» (accessed: 01.06.2016).
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  15. Fauzer V.V. Vliyanie migracii na chislennost' i sostav naseleniya Respubliki Komi [Impact of migration on population size and composition]. Seriya preprintov «Nauchnye doklady» / Komi nauchnyj centr UrO RAN. Syktyvkar, 1992. 293. 32 p.
  16. Fauzer V.V. Demograficheskiy i trudovoy potentsial razvitiya Respubliki Komi [Demographic and labour potential development of the Republic of Komi]. Syktyvkar, 2007. 40 p. (Nauchnye doklady/ Komi nauchnyy tsentr UrO RAN; vyp. 492).
  17. Fauzer V.V., Lytkina T.S., Klimenko V.A. Demograficheskoe razvitie Vorkutinskogo gorodskogo okruga – sostavnoj chasti Arkticheskoj zony Rossii [Demographic Development of Vorkuta City District – Component of Arctic Russian Region] // EHkonomicheskaya nauka segodnya [Economics Today]: sbornik nauchnyh statej / BNTU; redkol.: S. YU. Solodovnikov (pred. redkol.) [i dr.]. Minsk: BNTU, 2017. 6. pp. 185-198.
  18. Fauzer V.V., Lytkina T.S. Migracionnye processy na rossijskom Severe [Migration Processes in the Russian North] // Social'naya politika i sociologiya [Social policy and sociology]. Tom 16. No. 1 (120). pp. 141-149.
  19. Fauzer V.V., Lytkina T.S., Panarina I.A. Vorkutinskij gorodskoj okrug v Arkticheskom prostranstve Rossii: dinamika chislennosti i osobennosti vosproizvodstva naseleniya [Vorkuta urban district in the Arctic space of Russia: the population dynamics and peculiarities of reproduction] // Izvestiya Komi nauchnogo centra Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Proceedings of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. No. 4. pp. 123-131.
  20. Fauzer V.V., Lytkina T.S. Prinuditel'nye migracii sovetskogo perioda: hronologiya i masshtaby [Forced migration of the Soviet period: chronology and scale] // Demograficheskie processy na postsovetskom prostranstve: sbornik materialov VI Ural'skogo demograficheskogo foruma s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem [Demographic processes in the former Soviet Union: proceedings of the VI Ural demographic forum with international participation]. Т. I. Ekaterinburg: Institut ekonomiki UrO RAN, 2015. pp. 124-131.
  21. Fauzer V.V., Lytkina T.S., Fauzer G.N. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie migratsiey naseleniya: ot prinuzhdeniya k pooshchreniyu [Governance of migration: from coercion to encouragement] // Korporativnoe upravlenie i innovatsionnoe razvitie ekonomiki Severa: Vestnik NITS KPUVI SyktGU [Corporate management and innovative development of the economy of the North: Herald of Research Center of corporate law, management and venture investment of Syktyvkar State University]. No. 3. pp. 151-168.
  22. Fauzer V.V., Lytkina T.S., Fauzer G.N. Migracionnyj faktor dinamiki chislennosti i ehtnicheskih struktur naseleniya Rossijskogo Severa [Migratory Factor of the Population Dynamics and Ethnic Structures in the Russian North] // Sever i rynok: formirovanie ehkonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order]. No. 5(56). pp. 32-43. DOI: 10.25702/KSC.2220-802X-5-2017-56-32-43.
  23. Fauzer V.V., Nazarova I.G., Fauzer Vl.V. Social'no-trudovye otnosheniya: otraslevaya i regional'naya specifika [Social and labor relations: sectoral and regional specificity]. Moscow, Ekon-Inform, 2010. 174 p.
  24. Fauzer V.V., Smirnov A.V. Mirovaya Arktika: prirodnye resursy, rasselenie naseleniya, ehkonomika [The World's Arctic: Natural Resources, Population Distribution, Economic] // Arktika: ehkologiya i ehkonomika [Arctic: ecology and economy]. 2018. №3(31). pp. 6-22. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3-6-22.
  25. Fauzer V.V., Smirnov A.V. Rossijskaya Arktika: ot ostrogov k gorodskim aglomeraciyam [The Russian Arctic: From Ostrogs to Urban Agglomerations] // EHKO [ECO]. 2018. No. 7. pp. 112-130. DOI: 10.30680/ЕСО0131-7652-2018-7-112-130.
  26. Fauzer V.V. Finno-ugorskie narody: istoriya demograficheskogo razvitiya [Finno-Ugric Peoples: History of Demographic Development]. Syktyvkar, 2005. 24 p.

For citation: Fauzer V. V., Lytkina T. S., Smirnov A. V., Fauzer G. N. Migration factor of socio-economic development of Vorkuta urban district as a supporting zone of the Russian Arctic // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.



Reflection of the marketing management of an enterprise

M.P. Kalynychenko, Donetsk National University (Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic )

The article deals with theoretical and methodological positions of reflexive management and establishes the key directions of the use of reflection in marketing-management of the enterprise. The managerial function of reflection in management marketing is widespread, as well as the use of a reflexive approach in the direction of harmonizing interests with key stakeholder groups. The reflection to marketing management is directed at achieving management objectives through the preparation and adoption of appropriate decisions through the impact on the interests of key stakeholder groups and the enhancement of market orientation. For some subsystems, marketing management systems have developed directions for providing information to key stakeholder groups for implementing reflective impacts.

Keywords: reflection, marketing-management, system and subsystems of marketing management, interested parties, interests, enterprise, impact.


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For citation: Kalynychenko M.P. Reflection of the marketing management of an enterprise // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.



Problems of accounting resources in logging, due to the influence of industry features

L. G. Ulyasheva, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University" (Syktyvkar, Russia)

The issues of formation of complete and reliable accounting and reporting information that meets the needs of business entities for the qualitative disclosure of the industry specifics of extractive activities, which include logging, currently remain open and are widely discussed in scientific publications. The problems of usefulness of information for external and internal users, corresponding to the real economic situation on the resources of nature involved in production, development of new rules of accounting for the production process itself, as well as regulatory registration and consolidation of these issues in the changed conditions of management, are brought to the fore in the discussions of this direction. The lack of comprehensive management in accounting for the resources of the extractive industry and the diversity of opinions of experts in solving the above problems have determined the purpose of the work. The purpose of the study was to determine the directions of further development of the methodology of accounting of resources that contribute to overcoming the problems of the quality of the information produced by the industry features of logging. In the article, using the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematic and logical approach, the positions of various specialists were studied, as well as the current order of regulatory industry accounting. The developed proposals are designed to improve the quality of information to users, characterizing the activities of the involvement of natural resources in economic turnover. Thus, the application of the provisions of economic theory and Economics of natural resources management in the qualification of forest resources should lead to a clear understanding of their nature and the correct reflection in the accounting and reporting of information on natural resources specifically used by enterprises of the extractive sector of the economy. Allocation in accounting for logging stages of the mining activities with the application of the principle, the essential performance will contribute to the rapprochement of the national reporting with the international recommendations for the presentation of the process of production respecting the specifics of harvesting of forest resources. To unify the rules of accounting of resources in the extractive industry proposed options for regulatory consolidation of the developed methodology, which is designed to increase the transparency and clarity of the indicators.

Keywords: natural resources reserves, assets, logging, mining, nature management, industry accounting standards.


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For citation: Ulyasheva L. G. Problems of accounting resources in logging, due to the influence of industry features // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. No. 4.




Congratulations to Doctor of Economics, Professor V.V. Fauzer with an anniversary!