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Editor in Chief:

Shihverdiev A.P. - Doctor of Economics, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, head of the department of economic theory and corporate management of Syktyvkar State University,Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Association of Corporate Directors, Head of Research Center of Corporate law, management and venture investment of Syktyvkar State University.


Technical editing:

Viktoria V. Mazur, Head of the Department of planning and organization of research activities of Syktyvkar State University.

Ludmila N. Rudenko, Head of the publishing center of Syktyvkar State University.

Nikita I. Obrezkov, Expert-analyst of the Research Center for Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Venture Investments of Syktyvkar State University;

Elena O. Stetsenko, Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Foreign Languages, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University.

Sergey V. Moschev, Expert-analyst of the Research Center for Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Venture Investments of Syktyvkar State University;

Anastasia S. Konovalova, Expert of the Research Center for Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Venture Investments of Syktyvkar State University;

Viktoria A. Kosheleva, Expert of the Research Center for Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Venture Investments of Syktyvkar State University.



Corporate management and innovative development of the economy of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of corporate law, management and venture investment Syktyvkar State University [electronic resource] / Syktyvkar State University - Electron. Gazette - Syktyvkar: Syktyvkar State University

International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 2070-4992

International name: Korporativnoe upravlenie i innovacionnoe razvitie economiki Severa

Quick international name: Korp. upr. innov. razvit. econ. Sev.

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Also available on the electronic optical disk (CD-ROM): 12 cm.

Minimum system requirements: IBM-compatible PC (Pentium, 133 MHz, RAM 32 MB, SVGA monitor 800x600, High Color, CD-ROM-drive, Windows 98 / NT / XP, Adobe Acrobat Reader)