Privacy Declaration



Privacy Declaration

Manuscripts should be reviewed with due respect to the authors ' privacy. Presenting their manuscripts for review, the authors trust the editors with the results of their scientific and creative work, on which their reputation and career may depend. Authors ' rights may be violated by disclosure of confidential information during the review of their manuscript. In addition, the editor should respect the right of reviewers to confidentiality. It can be broken only in order to counter fraud and deception.

Editors should not disclose information about manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the review process, criticism of reviewers and the final fate) to anyone except the authors and reviewers. This includes requests to use the materials to resolve legal issues.

Editors should notify their reviewers that manuscripts submitted for review are confidential information and private property of the authors. Thus, the reviewers and the editorial staff must respect the rights of the authors and not publicly discussing the authors ' work before the date of publication of the manuscript. Reviewers are prohibited to copy manuscripts and transfer them to third parties, except as permitted by the editor. Reviewers ' comments should not be published or otherwise made public without the consent of the reviewer, the author and the editor.

Reviewers are anonymous to authors. If the authors receive a review without the signature of the expert, the identity of the reviewer should not be disclosed to the author or other persons without the consent of the reviewer.

The reviewer's comments should not be published together with the manuscript without the consent of the authors and reviewers. At the same time, the reviewer's comments should be sent to other reviewers of the same manuscript, which contributes to their learning in the review process. In addition, reviewers can be informed of the editor's decision to accept or reject the manuscript.

Information about the authors provided by them for publication in the journal becomes available to an indefinite number of persons, to which the authors give their written consent by the fact of the concept of the offer when submitting the article to the journal. The publication of this information is carried out in the interests of the authors in order to fully and correctly take into account the publications and their citation by the relevant organizations and to ensure the possibility of contact of authors with the scientific community.

Personal information provided by the authors of the journal, in addition to the above information, including additional e-mail addresses and phone numbers, will be used exclusively for contacts with the authors in the process of preparing the article for publication. The editorial Board undertakes not to transfer this information to third parties who may use it for other purposes.