Directions of the innovation policy of the Russian shipbuilding industry
in the context of the development of the economy of the northern regions
Original Article
DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2022-2-2-213
Full article (in Russian )
Yulian N. Polshkov - Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic,
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Abstract. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the scientific and methodological provisions and improve the applied tools for strategic planning of the processes of innovative development of the shipbuilding industry and the economy of the North of the Russian Federation. The object of research is the processes of innovative development of the shipbuilding industry. The subject of the research is the theoretical, methodological and applied problems of strategic planning of the processes of joint innovative development of the shipbuilding industry and the economy of the North. To achieve the set goal and solve problems, the work uses the method of monographic analysis, the abstract-logical method, the system-structural method, the method of analysis and synthesis, the mathematical methods of decision-making on economic and managerial issues. The directions for the implementation of strategic plans for the innovative development of the shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation are systematized, which are ensured by the growth of scientific, technical, technological and human potentials, optimization of fixed production assets, investments in the modernization of production facilities, improvement of the legal framework in the field of meeting domestic needs and implementation export deliveries of products of economic entities of the northern regions. The external and internal risks that impede the implementation of strategic plans for the joint innovative development of the shipbuilding industry and the economy of the North are substantiated. Measures are proposed to neutralize the risks of economic activity of Russian shipbuilding enterprises. The scientific significance of the results of the study lies in the substantiation of the directions of the innovation policy of the Russian shipbuilding industry in the context of the development of the economy of the northern regions. The practical significance of the work lies in the improvement of applied tools for system-analytical and expert support of management processes in the implementation of state industrial programs that ensure the creation and reconstruction of industrial facilities, technological re-equipment of the test base, disposal of worn-out equipment, subsidizing Russian leasing companies.
Keywords: shipbuilding, economy, strategy, region, planning, technology, management, innovation, industry, risk, enterprise, potential, optimization, method, development, production
For citation: Polshkov Yu. N. Directions of the innovation policy of the Russian shipbuilding industry in the context of the development of the economy of the northern regions. Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment of Syktyvkar State University. 2022. Vol. 2, issue 2. Рр. 213–226.
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Information about the author
Polshkov Yu. Nikolaevich – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Donetsk National University (24, Universitetskaya St., Donetsk, 283001, Donetsk People's Republic).
The article was submitted: 31.05.2022.
Approved after reviewing: 17.06.2022.
Accepted for publication: 20.06.2022.