


Implementation of the concept of sustainable marketing in the restaurant business


Original Article

DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2022-2-2-236

Full article  (in Russian Russian (Russia))


Olga V. Fokina - Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6697-3353


Abstract. Catering is now one of the most promising and rapidly developing branches of the national economy of Russia. At the same time, the positive dynamics of the industry's development is accompanied by increased competition, which requires modern socially significant approaches to doing business. The purpose of this study is to substantiate and disclose the content of the concept of sustainable marketing in the restaurant business, focused on ensuring the production and sale of environmentally friendly products and promoting this concept in society and business. The analysis of the research results in this area revealed the active interest of scientists and practitioners both in marketing issues in the restaurant business and in the problems of introducing sustainable marketing into the activities of enterprises, where, nevertheless, the orientation of the presented research and development on the implementation of the principles of environmental marketing was noted. At the same time, the introduction of the concept of sustainable marketing into business processes requires more complex transformations, since the sustainable operation of restaurants, among other things, should be based on maintaining high standards of hygiene and environmental standards while ensuring the profitability of the business. The article presents and reveals the main directions of restaurant business development within the framework of the concept of sustainable marketing, in particular, the development of low-waste production, responsible consumption, reorientation of the marketing complex, modification of the promotion system, activation of employees, redirection of customer desires, etc. The implementation of these directions within the framework of the concept of sustainable marketing and eco-friendly production will allow restaurant businesses not only to ensure their existence on the market, but also to achieve a stable long-term position on the “strategic playing field”.

Keywords: restaurant business, concept, sustainable marketing, sustainable development, ecology, low-waste production, responsible consumption


For citation: Fokina O. V. Implementation of the concept of sustainable marketing in the restaurant business. Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment of Syktyvkar State University. 2022. Vol. 2, issue 2. Рр. 236–247. https://doi.org/10.34130/2070-4992-2022-2-2-236



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Information about the author

Fokina Olga Vasilievna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Marketing, Vyatka State University (36, Moskovskaya St., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation).


The article was submitted: 01.06.2022.

Approved after reviewing: 09.06.2022.

Accepted for publication: 17.06.2022.