


Elements of the system of regulatory support for the activities of practice-oriented sites in the field of vocational education


Review Article

DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2022-2-2-248

Full article  (in Russian Russian (Russia))


Ekaterina A. Yagmur - Institute for Economic Research, Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3677-4492

Maria V. Novodevichinskaya - Institute for Economic Research, Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract. Human capital is now becoming a major source of economic and social development. The main share in the value added of the product in the new economy of "knowledge" is occupied not by traditional factors - material components, but by the contribution of human intelligence to the product. In this regard, the system of vocational education should be considered a basic factor in economic growth. Determination of the totality of socio-psychological (tact, reflection, empathy), psychophysical (quickness, endurance, dexterity) and psychophysiological (memory, logical thinking) qualities of a person, as well as the range of his knowledge, skills and abilities, professional and personal experience that are important for performing certain functional duties should become the basis for competent professional orientation and determining the degree of compliance and suitability of a person as a professional for a particular workplace. The ideal foundation for the career trajectory of personnel, created with the help of practice-oriented training, will be the identification of professional inclinations and the level of social adaptation of the individual at an early stage of specialist formation with the necessary correction of a possible educational vector. The article defines the sequence and content of the processes for organizing and managing the mentoring system at practice-oriented sites. Motivational tools have been developed to popularize the fulfillment of the duties of mentors, containing complexes of material incentives and moral (non-material) incentives. The procedure for the implementation of practical training of students under the programs of practice-oriented training has been formed. An algorithm for conducting an independent examination to control the quality of education based on practice-oriented sites is presented. The conclusions formulated based on the results of the study will serve as the basis for the formation of a mechanism for the implementation of practice-oriented learning in the system of vocational education, ensuring the elimination of educational deficits that occur in the current educational system. Prospects for further research may be the development of a legal foundation for the relevant procedures and conditions for conducting a professional test of students in practice-oriented training programs, as well as an algorithm for conducting a qualification exam for mentors in professional and personal skills. 


Key words: practice-oriented (dual) training, internship site, innovative platform, training and production space, education system, professional competence, practical skills, employer organization, educational institution, social partnership, mentoring.


For citation: Yagmur E. A., Novodevichinskaya M. V. Elements of the system of regulatory support for the activities of practice-oriented sites in the field of vocational education. Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North: Bulletin of Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment of Syktyvkar State University. 2022. Vol. 2, issue 2. Рр. 248–255. https://doi.org/10.34130/2070-4992-2022-2-2-248



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Information about the author

Ekaterina A. Yagmur – Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor, DipIFR-rus ACCA, Senior Research assistant of the Department of Socio-Economic Research, Institute of Economic Research (77, Universitetskaya st., Donetsk, 283048, Donetsk People's Republic).

Maria V. Novodevichinskaya – head economist of the Department of Socio-Economic Research, Institute of Economic Research (77, Universitetskaya st., Donetsk, 283048, Donetsk People's Republic).


The article was submitted: 20.04.2022

Approved after reviewing: 23.05.2022

Accepted for publication: 26.05.2022