Issue №1, 2017



Assessment and modelling of investment appeal in the conditions of effective interaction of border regions


K.V. Pavlov, Izhevsk branch of the Russian university of cooperation (Izhevsk, Russia)

O.V. Nosova, Kharkiv educational-scientific institute of Banking University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

P.A. Ivashchenko, Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Full article 

Appeal of foreign direct investment (FDI) to an effective cooperation of border regions is directly connected with a hypothesis of mutual appeal of FDI in decision making process correlating with common social, economic and environmental problems of border regions. In article the FDI structure for financing sources is offered, and it is determined by means of usefulness model. For achievement of an effective objective relational type dynamic databases are applied. Their fields include social, economic and ecological features. On the basis of general and private combination based on in assessment of two countries and two regions of a state and development the model is proposed. The modification of open three-sector model of the economy is presented, including material, capital fund creation and consumer sectors in relation to two border regions in Kharkiv region in Ukraine and Belgorod region in Russia. For the purpose of carrying out the quantitative analysis and assessment of each sector it is prompted to enter the three economic sectors to apply, which are set linear homogeneous equations classical production functions connecting production with output of labor and capital.

Keywords: foreign direct investment, border regions, usefulness model, assessment, modelling.


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For citation: Pavlov K. V., Nosova O. V., Ivashchenko P. A. Assessment and modelling of investment appeal in the conditions of effective interaction of border regions // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2017. № 1. P. 58-68.