Issue №1, 2017



An innovative approach to the development of tools diagnostic parameters of administrative control business in the region


R.I. Malikov, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa,Russia)

K.E. Grishin, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Russia)

Full article 

The article discusses the theoretical issues of formation of the administrative regulation of business entities mechanisms. Settle innovative approaches and tools proposed application design and development of the business environment that could have a stimulating effect on the growth of business and investment activity in the Russian regions and municipalities. It is proved that the regional disparities in terms of doing business in the same formal institutional space is due to the specific properties of the spatial configuration of the regional institutional business environment. The conclusion is that one of the key performance indicators of the institutional configuration of the business environment is an indicator of administrative pressure on business entities. It was determined that the system of administrative regulation of business seems appropriate to identify two types of targeting government structures to business entities, differentiated by the nature of the impact of the economic activity of business structures - the administrative burden and administrative assistance. It is suggested that, in practice, in a high level of cost of costs for execution of the totality of the administrative regulatory requirements as well as sanctions for violations of these requirements formed the preconditions for the development of institutions of informal interaction of business structures with the supervisory bodies, in which businesses try to minimize the costs associated with the implementation of formal administrative requirements, rules and regulations, by personal arrangements. A mathematical model for evaluating informal interaction of businesses with individual officials of regulatory agencies, which allows to determine the range of economic agents benefit from avoiding the performance of administrative norms, requirements and rules. The conclusion is that the economic basis of reproduction of informal relations is unreasonably high level of costs of business entities for execution of formal administrative requirements, rules and regulations that lead to mutual benefits for a number of entrepreneurs and of the bureaucratic apparatus of various schemes of informal interaction

Keywords: administrative regulation, the institutional configuration of the regional business environment, business entities, business, administrative costs, informal interaction, the administrative burden, the business environment, power structures, control and surveillance activities, excessive administrative requirements formal


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For citation: Malikov R.I, Grishin K.E. An innovative approach to the development of tools diagnostic parameters of administrative control business in the region // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of  Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2017. № 1. P. 92-105.