Issue №1, 2017



Business ecosystem as new form of market organisation: comprehension of phenomen on the base of contemporary foreign reseach analysis


I.N. Trefilova, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Full article 

The article presents an attempt to rethink the changes that have taken place in the market in recent decades based on the analysis of modern foreign ideas and concepts in the field of business modeling, innovative management and modern market organization. The author explores the nature of "the business ecosystem" phenomenon, which is becoming increasingly popular among researchers of innovation processes and business models. The review of foreign studies allows the author to determine the place and role of the business ecosystem in supporting sustainable innovative business development, which is no longer associated with one organization, but appears as a family of many companies linked by a common development strategy, resource base, knowledge, technologies, customers and, most importantly, joint innovation cycle. As a result, the business ecosystem is represented by the author as a new form of market organization, which unlike the network includes a much larger number of participants, expanding the limits of the standards, rules, technologies, ways of thinking and behavior adopted in the business ecosystem.

Keywords: Business ecosystem, value chain, strategic networks, platform, community, innovation, business models, organization of markets


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For citation: Trefilova I. N. Business ecosystem as new form of market organisation: comprehension of phenomen on the base of contemporary foreign reseach analysis // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2017. № 1. P. 133-147.