Issue №2, 2018



Monitoring of economic crime in the concept of assessment of economic security of Russia

Full article

E.V. Baturina, Forensic center Main Directorate of the MIA of Russia for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ph.D in economics, forensic expert; part — time: associate professor, Department of accounting, analysis and audit St. Petersburg University of MIA of Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

O.S. Lobanov, Saint-Petersburg state institution «Management of information technology and communications», Saint-Petersburg, Russia, PhD in economics, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the author's scientific approach to the monitoring of economic crime in terms of threats, challenges and risks of the possibility of the existence of shadow cash flow in the banking sector. The results of the analysis of statistical data on economic crimes in Russia for 2010-2017 are presented. The tendencies of changes of material damage caused as a result of Commission of economic crimes in Russia for 2010-2016 are presented. In the course of work the hypothesis that on the basis of open data of monitoring of economic crime it is possible to trace a shadow cash flow in economy of the region and to create base of the encrypted data on the facts of shadow activity is proved. Shadow cash flow in the banking sector is considered from the position of the banking system and from the position of the subject of economic crime. It is proposed to equate the shadow cash flow in the banking sector to the main economic indicators of the country's economic security and the level of criminalization of the economy. The tasks and principles of the economic crime monitoring system are defined. The subjects of the regional state policy of combating economic crime represented by the territorial body of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia and the Committee on information and communication of the subject of the Russian Federation are proposed. The author's system of monitoring of economic crime is proposed to include in the concept of assessing the state of economic security of the country. This system can be represented as a model of the information system of the economic crime database. It is determined that such a model should include: data structure; elements of the organization, management and administration process; stages of automated analysis of shadow cash flows.

Keywords: monitoring, economic crime, shadow cash flow, principles, model, information system, banking system, economic security.


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For citation: Baturina E. V., Lobanov O. S. Monitoring of economic crime in the concept of assessment of economic security of Russia // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2018. № 2. P. 119-128.