Rural development in the northern region: challenges directions and mechanisms
DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2020-2-36-45
Ivanov V. A. – Doctor of Economics, Institute of Social, Economic and Power Problems of the North of the Komi Scientific Center Federal research center of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the course of market reforms, the socio-economic problems of the Northern village have worsened. Rural areas are characterized by incomplete implementation of natural resource and labor potential, underdevelopment of transport, engineering and social infrastructure, decline in the standard of living of the rural population, depopulation of rural areas, loss of labor potential, insufficient and unstable financing of rural development programs. Overcoming the crisis situation is associated with improving the state policy of rural development, developing effective directions and mechanisms for its implementation. The article identifies the socio-economic problems of the Northern village, analyzes the financial support for the development of rural territories. The role of rural economy in rural development is shown. It is established that the main role in financing the village is carried out by the regional budget. The amount of financial resources allocated does not contribute to the comprehensive development of rural areas. The analysis of strategic and program documents showed that scientific organizations, experts, public organizations, subjects of rural economy and rural residents are not involved in their preparation and monitoring. The main directions of improving the state policy of rural development related to the expansion of non-agricultural activities, sustainable growth of the rural economy, strengthening the role of the state in the construction of rural roads, modernization of engineering and social infrastructure, and a programoriented approach are proposed. Priorities of state support for small and medium-sized businesses prevailing in the rural economy have been identified. It is justified in their favor to reorient budget subsidies, allocate preferential loans, and reduce administrative pressure and tax burdens on business entities. Proposals are made to strengthen the financial base and expand the powers of rural municipalities. The proposed measures should be used in the preparation of program and strategic documents.
Keywords: rural development, problems of development, financial support, directions and mechanisms of development, Komi Republic.
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For citation: Ivanov V. A. Rural development in the northern region: challenges directions and mechanisms // Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North: Bulletin of Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment of Syktyvkar State University. 2020. No. 2. P. 36–45. DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2020-2-36-45.