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Socio-demographic features of regional differentiation of incomes of a population of Russia


DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2019-4-157-168

Full article 

Goncharova K. S. – Leading economist, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The aim of this study was a comprehensive assessment of the impact of socio-demographic factors on the regional differentiation of income in the subjects of the Federation. To achieve a goal, we used following methods: econometric (correlation-regression) analysis, descriptive analysis, generalization and grouping. A main result of the work are to determine a nature (prevalence and degree) of the influence of a group of factors characterizing a socio-demographic structure of the population on the regional differentiation of incomes of a population, which may differ significantly depending on the level of socio-economic development of a separate subject of the Federation. It was found that in a whole country a most significant influence on the studied phenomenon of factors: population by sex and age and place of residence and less important factor is the education level of the employed population. Thus, an importance of obtained results lies in an obtained comprehensive assessment of the impact of socio-demographic factors on a differentiation of incomes of a population, which allows to determine both the level of closeness of a relationship between a studied indicators in a context of each region, and a degree of significance and influence of individual socio-demographic factors. A theoretical significance of the study is to expand a scientific understanding of the mechanisms of influence of socio-demographic factors on a regional differentiation of income of the population of regions of Russia, depending on the socio-economic characteristics of their development. Practical significance – the possibility of using research results in developing forecasts, strategies and state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as to justify and choice of social policies aimed at a reduction of income differentiation of a population of regions of Russia.

Keywords: income inequality, regional differentiation, income differentiation factors, spatial analysis.


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For citation: Goncharova K. S. Socio-demographic features of regional differentiation of incomes of a population of Russia // Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2019. No. 1. (In Russian). Рр. 157–168. DOI: 10.34130/2070-4992-2019-4-157-168.