Issue №1, 2017



The efficiency of the agrarian sector of the Northern region: methodical bases of assessment, condition, restrictions and priorities of growth


V. A. Ivanov, The Institute for Socio-Economic & Energy Problems of the North, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Science (Syktyvkar, Russia)

I. S. Maltseva, The Institute for Socio Economic & Energy Problems of theNorth, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Science (Syktyvkar, Russia)

Full article 

In a severe climatic condition the fruitful life is possible only in the presence of the adequate nutrition. Providing with the fresh food to inhabitants of the North and the Arctic depends on efficiency functioning of agrarian sector. The methodical approaches to the efficiency definition of agriculture are investigated in the article. The criteria and efficiency factors of agrarian production are revealed. The assessment of agriculture efficiency in the years of rather stable development (1960-1980) and in the conditions of market transformation is given. The results of assessment of agriculture development during the pre-reform period testify increase of economic and social efficiency of sector. The efficiency trends of the agriculture during market reforms are shown. The influence of implementation of the national project "The development of agro-industrial complex " on efficiency of agrarian sector is considered. The overall performance of the agricultural organizations is estimated by means of system of indicators. The restrictions are revealed and the main directions of increase in efficiency of agricultural production are offered. The results of the research can be used at the elaboration of the state program of agro-industrial complex development and for the working of the strategy generation of agrofood sector in the region.

Keywords: efficiency, agriculture, evaluation, restrictions and priorities of increase in efficiency, the Komi Republic.


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For citation: Ivanova E.V., Maltseva I.S. The efficiency of the agrarian sector of the Northern region: methodical bases of assessment, condition, restrictions and priorities of growth  // Corporate governance and innovative economic development of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center of Corporate Law, Management and Venture Capital of Syktyvkar State University. 2017. № 1. P. 75-91.